Looking for baseball players to play in Austria - Baseball Forum - MLB Forum - Fantasy & College Baseball Forums
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post #1 of 1 (permalink) Old 10-13-2012, 01:13 AM Thread Starter
Little Leaguer
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Join Date: Apr 2012
Posts: 18
Looking for baseball players to play in Austria

Tour Dates: Tuesday May 14 – Thursday May 23, 2013
Cost: $2800 (includes flight from meeting point, accommodation, ground transit, meals/sightseeing)
Games: One warm up game in Austrian National Team, four games in Attnang, one game in Munich:

The FinkstonBall tour starts with a flight from New York City to Vienna, Austria, where you’ll have two days to acclimate to Europe. While in Vienna, you’ll get a tour of the city and all the sights: Palaces Schönnbrunn, Hofburg, and Belvedere; Stephans Cathedral, the Prater amusement park and world-famous Ferris wheel, you’ll experience the history and culture of Europe’s most beautiful city, a clash of Eastern and Western culture. With a game and practice before leaving, we’ll take on the Austrian National Team in a night game at the Spenadlwiese baseball stadium.

We then depart for Attnang, with a stop along the way for sightseeing. In Attnang, an unsuspecting city home to the best baseball facilities in Austria, things will heat up! Starting on Friday night with a lineup of bands well known in Europe and Austria, the concerts after the games are the social center of the weekend tournament. Group round robin games start early Saturday morning, leading into Sunday evening’s semi-finals and Monday’s Third-Place and Championship games. The hosting Attnang Athletics also host the European Cup Qualifier regularly, with the winner advancing to the top club tournament in Europe. Other teams participating include the Swiss National Team, and clubs from far away as Bulgaria and Ireland.

After the championship has been played and the home run derby has been completed, we pack our things and continue on to Munich, Germany, for more baseball, sightseeing, and of course…Beer! Munich is home to the Oktoberfest, a yearly tradition of hops and barley in liquid form. Its also home to a large German baseball scene, Marienplatz, the Church of our Lady, English Gardens and surfer wave, Dachau, and sights nearby include Neuschwanstein Castle. We finish the tour with three relaxing days enjoying the Munich summer at the base of the Alps

On May 23rd, the group will transfer to the airport and return back to New York. For players wishing to join the group on the ground in Vienna, the package price is $2000. The player who purchases this will have to meet the group in Vienna!

Contact TIG for confirmation before sending your deposit, and make sure to provide your name and position. The $500 deposit is required to hold your spot, and is due within two weeks from confirmation. We can only guarantee a place on the roster for you once we have received your deposit. The deposit of $500 is non-refundable.

Register and confirm your spot before the end of 2012, and the price is just $2500! Contact us right away!
More information on the Attnang tournament can be found here: Finkstonball XVI - 2013
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