Golf Help,, Practice starts tommorow - Baseball Forum - MLB Forum - Fantasy & College Baseball Forums
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post #1 of 1 (permalink) Old 09-03-2010, 02:27 AM Thread Starter
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Golf Help,, Practice starts tommorow

My question is I can hit a ball fairly far driver and iron, all my "exp." friends say I'm pretty good for a beginner but don't say much else, my first golf match is coming up real soon and I need to know a couple things,

1. When hitting (driver, wood and iron) how can I get the ball off the ground, like I said I can fit a good 75 - 125 sliding distance at my best but I know if it gets some air it'll go much farther.
2. Accuracy, I've always had trouble in this field I'm getting better but defiantly not for a real match.
3. How do I know which clubs to use and when.
I'm a big guy and I've learned how to use this to my advantage really well What I need to know is how can I keep consistant throughout my game and practices, sometimes I can hit a good 175 at best and other times It's a swing and a miss (literally) so,
5. How do I stay consistant and,
6. How can I know before I take a swing Im gonna land a solid hit on the ball, and is there any tips for a good clean hit for a guy who is 230 lbs. 6'11" and 16-17.

Thanks for everyone who wil answer I'll try all techniques and which everone works out best will get best answer, if two ppl say the same thing it'll go to the one who described it better.



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